Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Basketball... Tired Body...

Juz now when to play bball with cliffton and dawei to relieve stress that is building up becuz of tmrw's o's level chinese exam. =) woah, all the courts were like filled with people lah, haha... decided to go the court at my cousin's house to play.. As few people knw that place, there isn't much people...

So we play play lor... haha dont knw why leh... feel that cliffton becoming more like a stone le.. xD although this time he didn't fart while playing bball, a huge relieve. Then came some china people aka china mamas... dawei was looking down on them lah, cuz he think they are noobs... We decided to have some 'fun' game with them, haha, so we challenged them lor. All of a sudden, got 2 ah bengs come and join us.. =.= haha but okay lor, we thought they were professionals... BUT... after seeing them play a while, dawei and i both realized that they were only 'action' people with no skills, also known as nooblets. xDD

Phew, finally they left lah, then we could play some serious bball game... WOAH the china mamas were very qiang lah... Got shooters and dribblers. Shldnt have underestimated them in the first place lor.. (dawei, your fault lah).. x( haha and our team got one stone aka cliffton... so it was really a tight match... the final score was 11-10, we won.. Wootz! i scored the last ball lor, was so happy lah..

Hmm, reflected that we shldnt underestimate anybody in any case... hahaha and one more thing! i realized that i played very well in the position of point guard and playmaking... hehe xD Oh No! im becoming a all-rounded person le xP I think my ankle sprain le... haiz, too long nvr play le..

Haha and one more thing... My Cousin! I will Prove you wrong one day.... *snub*

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