Sunday, December 21, 2008

haha im quite lazy to blog these days, perhaps due to the overdose of the 'eat, sleep, play' policy. terrible implications i think, left me really like a wandering soul; i want to be a human! xD

anw, im currently setting some new year resolutions for myself. haha must give it a serious thought though, cuz i mean it this time. =)

on a side note, just now watched the singapore lions vs the vietnam ?????. haha idk of any nicknames of them, and what i can think of are quite...... bad? haha so decided to leave it like this. =P the result was 0-1... although we lost, we put up a good fight lions! =))) and noh alam shah caught my eye. i think he really quite zai. idk how to describe him, but the truth is i like his playing style and fighting spirit! always not giving up and fighting for every ball. aware of some negative stuffs about him, but who cares, he is my learning example from now on. =DD next up on the soccer marathon is arsenal vs liverpl. liverpl will win? we shall see hahahah

-the deadly silence.

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