Wednesday, January 7, 2009

just now watch ponya with 4-9 people! =) haha it was averagely nice. anw, after that went to play lan with brandon, wenxuan, melvin, KENNETH CHAN! and jon. haha it was fun! played for quite long lah. and im gonna make raiders(the lan shop) my 2nd home; not because there the rates very cheap, or the surroundings very good, but becuase.............. kkay i shallnt reveal here. perhaps all those that go raiders before will know. xDDDD

anw i have thought of my new year resolutions le! :::

1) support Steven Gerrard no matter what happens to him on 23jan. he will always be my soccer idol.
2) stop getting into trouble with teachers; avoid unnecessary hot soup. =) shall be those guai guai zai.
3) stop being a 'joker'. i dont want to waste time on jokes anymore, and somtimes its gling to others

OMG! olvl results released on 12th jan. wth? time flies. 4-5 more days left to play without worries. =(

-the deadly silence.

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