Tuesday, February 3, 2009

lets start with the great stuffs first. VJC WAS AND IS GONNA BE SUPER HIGH! =DD wanted to blog yesterday, but seriously no time cause i had to sleep. (sleeping time is so short now!) haha anwthe OGLs were super fun and friendly, and work super hard as well! =D it was damn high in the hall with cheers flying out of no where, initally abit crazy, but well its VJ! the atmosphere was really damn imba, and im sure this is the best orientation i ever had. yeah made new friends along the way, haha looking forward to tmrw! =))

kkay anw, daren poh has did an awesome job to pull the reputation of all chsmen down by verbally shouting the A-Z crap, also known as absurd remarks infront of girls and boys after OG dinner at suntec during forfeiting. just what on earth was he doing? wth he is wearing the cat high pants and saying this kind of crap. and well, i start hearing people saying "aiya, cat high people all like that de lah" "are all cat high people like that?" omg! i felt embarrassed. this is a mixed school, not like last time. you cannot shout things out like that de lah, its not only you; unless you are not from chs. OMG this time the things shouted out by daren was not funny, disgraceful. wahlao eh, my prediction came true, i dont think he is a 17 year old. lol

-the deadly silence.

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