Thursday, May 8, 2008


give up trying to name a title for each post le... haha cause really no ideas liao.

these few days were freaking pissed off at times and freaking happy at other times too!.... there is this guy from sec2 that is boiling me off... like damn irrcorrigible... why do we have to work so hard for someone that dont even care... i wasted my time trying to talk some senses into his head. all he knows is to give me empty promises like promising to bring his boots to me HIMSELF the next day... he never lah (obviously) lol. 'i deliberately want to skip it'... this was what that guy told me.. is like what the? freaking irresponsible; freaking disrespectful; bloody waste of my time. come on lah... we are doing this for you leh! if you dont want to change, we cant change... you shall juz remain like this forever. you think everybody will care so much like us?

okay then ytd played soccer like the whole day. was quite pleasing. scored 3 and set up 2 assists. got one time damn funny. i told yibin that i damn tired le... legs gonna cramp soon.. not gonna run for a while le... lol and guess what happen? hahaha terence pointed to a spot and ask me to run before crossing the ball to me... haha the worst part is.. lol i actually dribbled past 5 defenders.. haha not trying haolian or what.. i dont knw how i do it also.. hehe. i really think jasper tan jian ming is my curse lor. haha everytime played with him sure got something happened between he and i. lol ytd i dash past him then the next thing that happened was i got sliding tackled. it was such a awkward ankle that i nearly broke my leg. luckily nvr. juz landed painfully on my butt lol. haha dman pain now. zzz like the feeling of cramping everytime i walk.. lol

things really dont go 29th batch, isnt it?
1) 28th Batch POP rain..
2) 1st Muster Parade rain...
3) NPCC Day Parade rain....!
what the? seems like we have a great affinty with rain. =/

(okay this was what i wanted to type early in the morning at 5.30am until my mom came nagging at me to go to school)

kkay more abt today. somehow, todae was really a zombie day for me. i was brain dead for most of the lessons. struggling hard to pull my eyelids apart. it sucks, the feeling sucks.

yeah then after school had mock add maths paper 2 aka stoning session for me. its really gg. im a goner. i like 6 whole qns dont know how to do! fish! really sorry to mrs tan.... maybe i was really not paying enough attention during class. sorry. i need help in maths! =(((((

- what is the difference between a leader and a boss.?

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