Wednesday, July 9, 2008

no title from todae onwards. =P

haha todae so damn waste time in school. cuz half of the time we were either doing selfstudy or sleeping cuz.... teachers nvr come. lol

anw, todae mr tan went thru our combined humanities results analysis. crap. my results are so dman shitty. juz now i when i juz reach home, i went to find my previous exams comb humanities results. its like total ownage. im not trying to haolian or what. but this is seriously unacceptable. it supposed to let me score, and not let me whine over it. zzz looks like i cant afford to lose grip over any subject even for a minute. and there is this shitass in my class. i shall call him !!. he is so damn gl. freak during lesson i put my homework on the table, then !! came and give me that mocking look, and said: eh you copy whose one? fuck i tell you its damn dulan. okay i admit sometimes i copy, so people cant change? omg dont tell me !! dont knw that olvls is in a few months time? like he so damn zai.

on a lighter note, went home with cliff juz now. and i realize he is such a joker, and he claims that he is a serious person. what a joke xD. let me give a few scenarios;
1) on the cab, i sought of like saw ms chow, so i ask him if he saw. then this is his reply: i saw... yeah but actually i nvr lah. when i saw her, she nvr see me. so i turn my body abit, then i nvr see her le. LOL?
2) on the journey, we were discussing abt how to catch mew. then he was trying to catch a abra. he failed, and when he saw a kadabra, he caught it. so i ask if the ultra ball is more efffective with kadabra and not abra. and you knw what he told me? he animated with actions that the abra is too fast, so its impossible to catch... with the crazy sound effects that made me wanted to spit my bread out.

and this list is not exhaustive. oh my god, next time when he tell you that he is a serious person, please kindly be reminded that he is actually telling a joke. LOL!!! =DDD hahahahahaha

- say all the nasty comments and remarks abt a friend of yours, afterwards, look into a mirror and you will find your friend there.

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