Tuesday, July 15, 2008

wanted to blog a ytd and the day before, but i guess time didnt permit me to do so. cuz i simply cannot find time? zzz crap. haiz i have no choice. its becoming more of like, if i can have time to come online, i will blog! xD haha thats a promise haha lol =) 

kkay so on monday, i saw this accident that consisted of 9 cars? near lentor that part, it was like causing a huge jam there as drivers were caring too much abt what happen to the cars instead of driving, thats why their speeds were reduced from like 80 to 40km/h? lol what a time to slow down speed rite? zzz nearly late becuz of that lah. xDD then i saw some of the people standing beside the cars were like taking a piece of paper and scribbling notes on it while observing their 'damaged' cars. its really funny, haha are they writing down what to buy for 4-d or toto later? lol what contradicting emotions =DD

anw, i feel so zzz nowadays, its not becuz of anything frustrating, its becuz i dont have enough sleep! lol its like... simple torturous. whenever i see those piles of homework that are blocking my view alr, i feel like sleeping; but when i think of how im gonna get scolded by teachers and how im gonna cry when i get my olvl cert when i dont do them, will like suddenly jerk up and like pia pia pia. zzz crap. my life is not supposed to be like this. 96 days to olvl, what to do? cant give up now, and im not gonna give up. i want to be smiling all the way home when i finish my papers.

yeah then last friday i got my report book. quite dulan. crap. i got 31/38 in class. its bullshit. although it may be the best class, but i also dont want to dian4 di3. i want to silence those people that still think they are so damn great by mocking at me, pissing me off by saying that i copied with the mocking eyes. i hate it.

target for prelim3-------- L1R5 <9

- obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your target.

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