Saturday, August 23, 2008

first of all, my dajie gave birth to a healthy and pretty baby girl on friday! went straight away after school to visit her. haha was and still is so happy. =) like i was with their family since i was 2 months old lor, so i call her my dajie! =DD gratz.

haha it has been an interesting day on friday. as usual i will try to get itnerestings that happened to blog. =DD

yeah and it will be abt clifton's invincible lameness. haha well here it goes.
i happened in the school bookshop after recess that day.....
clifton: eh those packet of sweets that have 'additional fruit juice added' or not?
me: yeah have, it got write tian1 jia1 guo3 zi1, you want buy ah?
clifton, rushing to grab one of the packets: woah nice! i wnat the packet with the tian jia guo zi!
then clifton grabbed excitedly one of the packets and was so happy that his packet was the only one with additional fruit juice (which is obviously not!). >.<" haha then we all burst out into laughter! so funny and lame. well, if you were at the scene, you would be rolling on the floor laughing. xP results guarenteed.

haha anw, on a more serious note, omg! prelim3 in 3 days! lol? one would be really stupid if he isnt even attempting to mug.

- there is no fools, juz lazy genius.

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