Tuesday, August 26, 2008

hmmm todae was the start of prelim3 with english language going underway. not gonna rate it or whatever le. haha cuz i have bad experience with rating. anw, juz feel that my situational abit off track. lol anw wont be blogging until the weekend bah, cuz i wont be coming online ={ haha cant focus. anw tmrw is SS, omg imba! havent finish memorizing eveything, guess i wont be memorizing le bah, juz haha knw the key concepts. =) lol and i cant believe hcl is tmrw as well. lol like nobody will study de lah, poor choice for hcl department, xp

tmrw will be the first hurdle of applying how much you studied. ahhh not gonna screw it up like prelim2 zzzz =) i hope. offline! xD bye

- dreams are free for those that have no mentality to work.

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