Monday, August 18, 2008

haha heylo everyone! <---------- bryan tan! LOL anw i have decided to make my blog more interesting to readers by quoting interesting things that are happening. =))

first of all, last friday something hilarious happened. during closing parade,
siming sir: eh woah your dont need to study for o's level de ah?
ken: ah dont need, i dsa rjc already (you can sense that he wants to get suaned)
siming sir: wah, you dsa using what? guinness world record?
LOL everyone burst out into laughter as everybody knew it was referring to ken's gigantic head that can beat any head size in the world. =DD

yeah haha then todae..... terence told me something. i wrote something regarding the fact that terence like syl*** on his table. then you know what he told me? LOL he said its supposed to be the other way round! lol meaning to say, its her who like him? hmmm interesting. xDD

well, kkay waste quite a bit of time here le, back to studying! =D

- i wish to be with you, forever.

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