Saturday, September 20, 2008

hurray! scriptcheck is over. haha lol the numerous hours of imba inside the hall is really crazy. it has like some kind of soporific effecct. haha overall for prelim3, some results are quite unexpected; but luckily its not those kind of 'negative' surprise. =P

kkay shall give a review of my results:

1) English- 75 (A1)........................... if plus oral from prelim2, 71 (A2)
2) HCL- 72 (A2)
3) EMaths- 77 (A2)
4) AddMaths - 59 (C5) OMG! i actually pass it >.<>
5) History Elective- 80 SS- 78.................. Combined Humanities- 79 (A1)
6) Physics- 83 (A1)
7) Chemistry- 82 (A1)
8) Biology- 82 (A1)

pure geog marks havent comeback yet lol. yeah so... haha actually geog like not much high hopes >.<

actually i also nvr expect to get A1 for my english =p. plus i nvr expect to pass my addmaths also. woah i think those that fail really need to drop leh, lucky!

wootz L1R5 for prelim3 is most probably 7!!!!! woah oh my, i cant believe it myself. but haha at least i achieved the target set. =) kkay shall go and finish the stupid piles of english work given by mr heng.

- the deadly silence.

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