Friday, September 12, 2008

zzz after a long week of hardcore ongoing exams, i tot i will be able to somehow be satisfied with my results. but sadly to say, my last exam of the week, left me with tears, in the heart. and its addmaths agn. yeah i muz agree that i have not been putting alot of effort to improve on my weakest link. yeah and im letting my maths teacher, mrs tan down. seriously she damn zai. but....... i dont knw. todae, like what the? the questions like cant be solve de. i left like countless questions blank. omg im only approximately 4 weeks away from my o's and.........

zzz im afraid i have to drop add maths. thats the worst nightmare to have, after taking that subject for nearly 2 years le. can i dont drop? woah later they say what: those who fail the paper HAVE to drop add maths. then im a gone case. this hurdle, when am i gonna ever pass it. =(( nono! i dont want addmaths to be my pan jiao shi!

and what mr teo said is really like so true. the teachers are as tired as us, but do we even try to care in the first place? from their faces, the smiles are like so weary.

haiz, i guess miracles dont exist.

- the deadly silence

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