Tuesday, September 2, 2008

yo everybody, haha basically decided to rest a while from my daily 'hectic' mugging to come blog a while.

haha for my mugging part, quite the fruitful bah, i guess at least for ytd. however, fruitful is not equivalent to results. haha... things to work harder for now is, histroy elect! (woah this like havent touch yet xD); amaths! physics! haha if not sure gg de. especially for amaths. lol mrstan say this time muz get A2 for ADDMATHS leh. rofl. well, interesting challenge. =)

yeah and sometimes i seriously hate watching liverpool's matches. what a time waster lah! haha like stay up to 1+am juz to watch a goalless draw. and sometimes a losing match. haha naturally will get abit pissed de. xp as a liverpl fan, sometimes i cannot really figure out what rafa is thinking. playing those weird formations and players out of position. haha then, without gerrard and torres both out injured, its like sure either draw or lose. =(

then ytd's nite, i guess it wasnt a pleasant one. had a long talk with someone, in which the whole convo was so awkward with frequent long pauses. but well, one thing gained from that is that, some things cant be reverse no matter what. yeah, i juz have to accept that i had lost a great friend; someone who i once regarded as great buddy. to a reason idk. but since people wnat to cont like this, juz leave it bah. as much as i will cry and lament over this, he wont care anymore; as much as i will feel ke2 xi1 over this issue, he wont care anymore. i guess this is call si3 bu4 ming2 mu4. well, since he stated his stand so clearly, no point and no use in trying to revert this le. its over.

woah and freaking, ytd i step on my specs. walao, then the specs broke. zzz so have to wear contacts this few days. ahhhh suay. =P

- the deadly silence.

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