Monday, June 30, 2008

zzz im still hallucinating about wedding, until i like cant concentrate properly lah. sianz i knw im still so dman young for this; but my mind like, once my eyes close, confirm will have some marriage scene come up de. zzz i think i what? drama ah? >.<

okay i got back some of my prelim 2 results. screwed them. wtf how can i get so low for add maths. i feel damn zzz now. seeing people get so high marks. crap like everything also zzz now lah, except maybe weddings! xDDD lol

and juz now go staffroom, also zzz. met mr teo. LOL and he caught me for hair. haiz how unlucky can i get? lol maybe i shld juz go and sleep my day out. =)

-let me indulge in work and studies so that i can stop thinking of those things.

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