Thursday, June 26, 2008

kkay im damn happy that i have solve this crappy thing lah. i really didnt expect us to be like this even for a moment. and i can say im partly at fault for maybe over-reacting. sorry boss, haha hope what dont break us make us stronger. =D

okay and for the otheer guy that is freaking emoing around, my advice is, stop doing that. =) becuz if this goes on for long, you will either realize that the friends around you are all emo and lifeless people or you will have no friends at all. serious. you keep claiming that "i feel left out", wtf? is you yourself that is leaving yourself out. you dont want to join us, is like what the hell lah. okay maybe you have tried, but from my point of view, joining us and emoing there is equivalent to not joining us and leaving yourself out... and i can say i have tried to help you lah. then you give me that fuck reply. seriously damn @#%#%^$^&*^*(*(. if you dont want to help yourself, nobody can. i hope after you read tihs (if you read my blog lah xD), this will give you a wake up call. discover it yourself, and not wait for what manual to live life, thats bullshit lah. zzzz the day that you can stop emoing abt your freaking life that is no different from us is the day that you will open up to us. you think your life sucks, you think ours rock? you think you dont knw how to live life, you think we nvr experience failures and setbacks also?

- what you do now determines what you will be in the future.

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