Thursday, June 12, 2008

its for you

heylo everyone! <----------------- sorry i copied this phrase from bryan tan yi pin. haha lol

anw, i want to dedicate this post to you. haha the special one.
hmmm dont knw how to start leh, juz want to say certain things:

eheh this few years different things occurring at different time muz have confused you alot, making you wonder what is your future and goals. juz telling you that once you have set your mind on a specific target, juz keeping going and running towards it; dont look back cause i have already taken care of it. (haha!) remember that its you who told me not give up de? haha so you muz show me by example mah! dont eva give up k? hmmm its almost one year since you sent me that meaningful card. and i felt really bad last year not to give you the surprise that i intended.. haiz sorry. haha but i bet you didnt knw lah! xD you are one of the forces that is driving me towards my goal. really. haha so we shall jiayou together! =DD

i hope it really helps you.. haha im feeling so helpless lah, not being able to help you. sorry, i failed even as a simple friend. =(

- the marginal line between friendship and love.

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