Sunday, June 1, 2008


100th post! what a way to celebrate man. sorry for the late update. cuz i slept till now, i really think i can take over yibin as the number one pig le. =D

let me recall. 30th may is pop lor. at first had SS remedial, couldnt exactly concentrate cuz... ahh dont knw why also. then went for parade rehearsal lor. was very pissed of by christopher karim, and yeah he is such a.... idiot in some sense, going for great grandfather or sth the birthday, what the hell? told him to inform us early, and this is what we get, nvm forget it. he is such a loser. serious.

then during the rehearsals, the skies were gloomy. and i really sianz becuz of this. then had some headache and the part above my left eye was painful. yeah! then during the actual parade it was sunny! abit too sunny though. haha but it was our very last parade! i can see all eyes were on us. then hand in squadfile. it was really sad and heartbreaking for me. okay i admit i was holding back my emotions= tears. i was abit how to say, my grip on the squadfile was tight at first, but i guess i had to let go. as i approach my goh, i force a smile. i loosen my grip as i gave the file to him. woah really very sad.

then fall in for fancy drill. shouted my lungs out in the unit cheer part and thank the sirs and mdms sincerely. when i threw my beret, i knw instantly, thats its really the end. then took photos lor. used smiles to cover up my sadness.

then went home to bath, dress up abit. and wore my very proud squad jersey to sch. this time the 30th batch seem very prepared, they locked all the doors to the audi lor. haha found no way to go into the audi. then finally its time to go in, we queued up in numerical order. so i was 3rd. the concert was relatively fun. except maybe the games quite de traditional in some sense.i 1st guy to tio the 1st game. lol was musical chair. then i 1st round lost le. zzz then must drink some weird drink. haha lucky nvr get stomachache. then when the sec2s singing until some part, i also forget why. i talking to potato, suddenly the whole 29th batch ask me go up. okay lor haha so went up and sing jie kou. upon the end, they gave me an adidas soccer boots and a key chain for my love one.>.< haha but wnyway thnaks 31st batch! =D love them.

during the concert, the whole 31st batch they all shouted some random name lah. lol haiz they shldnt have. LOL at the end, went up to take my plaque, it wrote: S/Sgt Lim Jun Wei SEC2DI. touching. then concert end went to eat dinner at the canteen, gave 31st batch some pingpong balls that they will understand the real hidden message when they combine them together. its exactly 30 with words. so yeah after clear store, louis and i went to listen to ruijie they all debrief my squad. made me remember that time my 1st time talking to 31st batch. its fast, isnt it.

this para is dedicated to 31st batch:
thank you for everything, in the process of teaching you all, i also learnt and benefited from it; the various skills. i am sorry if i have not been the greatest and best di, but i want you all to continue to learn. we 3 may not be there physically anymore, but we will always be there, mentally. jiayou, one more year and its your turn to lead the unit. i knw you all are capable enough. its sad, but we have to go. =)

to my dearest 29th batch, 3.5 years together. from 27, we have become 20. okay maybe eliminating those that distant themselves from us, left maybe 18? all the hardship we went through together, all the conflicts we had, i guess it had made us stronger? the memories, the times we had together in the unit, i will never forget. its always sad to let go, to leave this unit after so long, but its for the greater good isnt it? those RT times together, i knw it will all be gone. but maybe we can ask boss, to organize sometimes? jiayou 29th batch, i will too. we may not have left a great name, but we have certainly been the best in terms of memories. =)

woah really cannot take it, ytd in the nite, i cried one time when i woke up to go toilet. i cried juz now when i saw the plaque; the uniform etc. its juz too hard to let go isnt it? how many more times i am gonna cry? i dont knw it myself. i really hope time can heal whatever wound. my heart is breaking up into pieces. knowing that we are gonna go different ways, not going out together anymore. i juz feel like crying.

- the power of memories.

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